MassForms™ is a library of transaction forms continually updated by expert legal staff based on the most current industry standards and legislative changes.

Electronic Forms

The following new and updated forms have been sent to the forms providers. Please note it could take several days for the new forms to populate. Preview the Read Only forms here:

Enhance communication and transactions with clients who are more comfortable using other languages.

Another new way to better serve your clients.

Remine Docs+

Remine Docs+ is a collaborative, cloud-based transaction management tool featuring customizable, end-to-end document creation, clause kits, e-signature, multi-party collaboration, document history tracking, and broker checklists. This forms service is a FREE member benefit for Massachusetts REALTORS®.

Remine Docs+ Tips to Get You Started

Accessing Remine Docs+

MAR members can access Remine Docs+ through their MLS login. Members that belong to more than one MLS can access Remine Docs+ through each individual MLS. Step-by-Step instructions to log in through MLS PIN can be viewed here. Members of the Cape Cod & Islands MLS and the Berkshire MLS can access Remine Docs+ by signing into the MLS and finding the Remine Docs+ icon. Members will have unique logins for each MLS, so transactions will not be available outside of the account it was created in (i.e. a transaction created in Berkshire MLS will not be available if that same member logs into Remine Docs+ through MLS PIN).

Key Features